အခုေခတ္လူငယ္အမ်ားစုက ဂီတကို ခံုမင္ႏွစ္သက္ၾကတဲ့အေလ်ာက္
သီခ်င္းရဲ႕ အရည္အေသြးကို အျပည့္အဝ ခံစားႏိုင္တဲ့ headphone ေတြကို
ဝယ္ယူၾကတာေတြ႕ရပါတယ္။ သာမန္ earphone ေတြထက္စာရင္ Headphone ေတြက
အသံထြက္ပိုမိုေကာင္းမြန္တဲ့အျပင္ တပ္ဆင္ၿပီး အျပင္သြားတဲ့အခါမ်ိဳးမွာလည္း
ပိုမို ဖက္ရွင္က် တဲ့အတြက္ လူငယ္ေတြ စိတ္ဝင္စားၾကတာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
လက္ရွိမွာေတာ့ ႀကိဳးမပါတဲ့ Wireless headphone ေတြဟာ လူသံုးမ်ားလ်က္ရွိၿပီး
ေနာက္ပိုင္းမွာ iPhone 7 လိုမ်ိဳး နားၾကပ္ေပါက္မပါတဲ့ ဖုန္းေတြ
ထပ္ထြက္လာမွာျဖစ္တဲ့အတြက္ Wireless headphone ေတြဟာ ပိုမို
အသံုးမ်ားလာဖြယ္ရွိေနပါတယ္။ ဒါ့ေၾကာင့္ ႏိုင္ငံတကာ
ေစ်းကြက္ထဲထြက္ရွိၿပီးသား wireless headphone ေတြက အေကာင္းဆံုး (၇)
မ်ိဳးကို ေဖာ္ျပေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္။
1. Sennheiser Momentum Wireless
Incredible audio fidelity backed by a serious price
Acoustic design: Closed | Weight: N/A | Cable length: 4.6 feet | Frequency response: 16-22,000Hz | Drivers: N/A | Driver type: Dynamic | Sensitivity: N/A | Impedance: 28 ohms | Battery life: 25+ hours | Wireless range: 30+ feet | NFC: Yes
2. Jabra Move Wireless
Sporty Bluetooth headphones that aim to surprise
Acoustic design: Closed | Weight: .33 pounds | Cable length: N/A | Frequency response: 20Hz-20kHz | Drivers: Two 1.5″ drivers | Driver type: Dynamic | Sensitivity: 94db @ 1kHz | Impedance: 29 ohms | Battery life: 8+ hours | Wireless range: 33+ feet | NFC: No
3. Bose QuietComfort 35
Bose cut the wires off its flagship cans with great success
Acoustic design: Closed | Weight: 0.68 pounds | Cable length: 3.94 feet | Frequency response: N/A | Drivers: N/A | Driver type: N/A | Sensitivity: N/A | Impedance: N/A | Battery life: 20+ hours | Wireless range: N/A | NFC: Yes
4. Sony MDR-ZX770BT
Affordable wireless headphones that deliver big
Acoustic design: Closed | Weight: .52 pounds | Cable length: N/A | Frequency response: 20-20,000Hz | Drivers: Two 1.6″ speakers | Driver type: Dynamic | Sensitivity: N/A | Impedance: N/A | Battery life: 20+ hours | Wireless range:30+ feet | NFC: Yes
5. Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless
The British behemoth’s over-ears go wireless
Acoustic design: Closed | Weight: .71 pounds | Cable length: N/A | Frequency response: 10Hz – 20KHz | Drivers: 40mm | Driver type: Dynamic | Sensitivity:111dB/V at 1KHz | Impedance: 22 ohms | Battery life: 17 hours | Wireless range: 30+ feet | NFC: Yes
6. Beats Solo 2 Wireless
Proof that Beats is quickly closing the gap between style and sound
Acoustic design: Closed | Weight: .47 pounds | Cable length: 4.2 feet | Frequency response: N/A | Drivers: N/A | Driver type: N/A | Sensitivity: N/A | Impedance: N/A | Battery life: 12+ hours | Wireless range: 30+ feet | NFC: No
7. Plantronics BackBeat Pro
Noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones with plenty of features
Acoustic design: Closed | Weight: .74 pounds | Cable length: N/A | Frequency response: N/A | Drivers: N/A | Driver type: N/A | Sensitivity: N/A | Impedance:N/A | Battery life: 24+ hours | Wireless range: 330+ feet | NFC: Yes
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